Strengthen Your Back with Cobra Pose

Strengthen Your Back with Cobra Pose

Dee Williams, RYT

If you sit, stand or drive a lot it is very likely that now an then you find yourself rounding your shoulders more forward as you clutch the wheel of the car, or lean towards your computer as you type. If this continues for a long period of time it can become painful and cause discomfort when you stand up and try to straighten up to walk, or when you first arise in the morning. One way to help avoid this is remember to shift your shoulders down and then pull them back as you sit or stand. You can check your posture while sitting in your chair or even against a wall. Stand against the wall and press both shoulders back towards the wall until they touch. Step away from the wall and try to maintain the alignment of the shoulders as you move, sit or stand.
But how can you relieve the discomfort? It may be helpful to try a simple yoga posture called the cobra pose. You face belly down on your mat or towel with your elbows bending close to your side with hands (palms down) flat just below the shoulders. The knees and feet stay together on the floor. Start with the chin touching the mat, take a deep breath as you lift the head and shoulders off the floor looking up towards the ceiling. Try not to place any weight into your hands. Use your back strength to hold the head and torso up for about 1 minute, keep breathing through the nose. Lower the head and torso to the floor, turn your head to the right with the left ear on the floor. Extend your hands and arms next to your side palms facing up. Repeat this cobra pose again. Turn the head to the left side with the right ear on the floor.
"Cobra Posture Sanskrit Name: Bhujanghasana
Benefits: The spine recieves a powerful backward stretch, the surrounding musculeture is strenghthened and the abdominal organs are toned up and massaged. The pose is particularly effective for combating menstrual irregularities and pain and relieving constipation." - The Sivanada Companion to Yoga
The information in this article is for information purposes only. It is recommended that you check with your pysician or medical advisor prior to starting a regular physical exercise program.


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