Twenty Years


20 years ago I started practicing yoga as an adult. My first few classes consisted of more gentle movements. The classes were included in a workplace wellness program at the company I worked for at the time. I eventually found the Bikram Hot Yoga College of India studio in the area. And began a fourteen year journey with Hot Yoga. I enjoyed the warm room and the feeling of releasing toxins through my sweat.

Initially I was very stiff, even though I worked out a lot at the gym, and walked and rode the stationary bicycle at home. I also found that a few old injuries were still with me. One in particular was around my ankles. I think this was from wearing high heals a lot and also roller skating when I was younger. But after doing yoga for the first few years I regained the full range of motion in my ankles, stopped wearing high heels, but today I still enjoy roller skating and my ankles feels much better too.

At that time I met many other people who practiced other types of yoga.. There was a growing interest in Vinyasa yoga. It was more fast paced but also very energizing to the body. I attended these types of classes for a while but at the end of class I felt that I had been to an aerobics type class. I had a lot of experience with aerobic style exercise classes for many years before practicing yoga.

Over the years I have found that each type of yoga can be beneficial if you are with a knowledgeable teacher. And there is a style of yoga for every body type. I continue to find value in yoga for my life and look forward to many more years of practice. If you would like to begin your yoga journey try a class at

Dee Williams


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