Wisdom is a work in progress

Wisdom is a work of progress

                                                                      (c) 2016 All Rights Reserved Photograph by D. Williams

Think about the many people who are universally considered to possess the quality of wisdom. Grandmothers top the list as wise and influential in our lives as our teachers of right and wrong. The wise ones come into knowledge through experience. And anyone can become wise though it may take a lifetime for some to grow more wise. The more life challenges you face offer more chances for learning lessons that will teach you to be more mindful about your choices.

Wisdom grows from the seeds of our thoughts and actions. Living a life full of  choices is truly a blessing, but there is some effort required to discern our thoughts through the lens of right, wrong or indifference. If we are raised by someone who is considered wise they may have shared their values and passed their wisdom teachings to us from childhood or over time shown by their actions the best qualities of someone who embodies the quality of wisdom.

After years of learning and living life on your own terms with the impressions of wisdom from your elders or others whom you admire, you find yourself stepping into your own ways of wisdom. And after many experiences of life that teach the great lessons of love, courage, determination, compassion, and many others wisdom becomes a quality of our lives. Wisdom becomes the secret sauce in a life lived without regrets. We learn that life is fleeting and everyday is a new day for us to be guided by the wisdom that grows from within.

I find that spending time with the elders in my community is a treasure. I look forward to the days when my grandchildren or other young people will see the value in the wisdom that becomes the quality of my life too.

In honor of wisdom I wrote a book of poems that help embody thirty years of my experiences that have helped me on my path towards growing into wisdom. Bodhisattva Wisdom

Take time to reflect upon those who have touched your life in a positive way. The impressions of their wisdom teachings that are left inside your heart and mind nurture the seeds that help you grow into the person you were meant to become. A poem about wisdom. 


Dee Williams



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