12 Tips and 5 Recipes to enhance the fun of a Spring Detox

12 Tips ... of a Spring Detox

1. Consider the type of detox program that will work best for you.
2. Read the information about the program carefully.
3. Gather the needed equipment or supplies.
4. Let your family know what you are doing and why.
5. Consult your health care advisor before you start a detox program.
6. Select a good book to enjoy during your detox program.
7. Attend a class or other type of supporting environment during your detox program.
8. Write about your experience in your journal (if you don't have one this would be a good time to start)
9. Consider the detox period a gift or renewal for your mind and body.
10 Relax and enjoy each step in your detox program.
11. Don't be too critical of yourself.
12. Get plenty of rest.

5 Recipes ... of a Spring Detox

The following recipes are from 5 of my favorite books related to health and wellness
I provide here a summary of the recipes and a link to the books. Enjoy!

1. Essiac herbal tea (burdock root, sheep sorrel, slippery elm, and Turkish rhubarb)
    Cancer's Best Medicine, by Mauris Emeka

2. Green Smoothie (kale, apple, banana, mixed berries, cashews, vanilla extract, water, coconut flakes)
     By Any Greens Necessary, by Tracye Lynn McQuirter

3,  Veggie Pockets (grated carrots and/or beets, sprouts, lettuce, cucumbers, sesame seeds in a pita pocket)
     Heal Thyself Natural Living Cookbook, Diane Ciccone

4. Factors that combine to help extend longevity for some people
      (Three of the Twelve)
     One: Eat Frugally, Two: Exercise and Get Plenty of  fresh air, Three: Drink wholesome liquids
     Ageless Body Timeless Mind, Deepak Chopra, M.D.

5.  Digestion Do's and Don't (a summary)
     Don't combine eating and drinking
     Don't combine Fruits and vegetables
     Do combine vegetables and starches
     Do combine proteins and vegetables
     Health Thyself for Health and Longevity, Queen Afua


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