Yoga can help relieve the symptoms of perimenopause and menopause.

The list of postures outlined in Table 1, are generally recommended due to the following benefits;   managing stress,   regulates nervous system improves circulation, helps to balance metabolism, stimulates circulation to the glandular and reproductive systems, weight-bearing and balancing postures will help to strengthen bones, hip openers, evens out many of the emotional ups and downs

Table 1 summarizes the top five menopause symptoms, with a recommended yoga practice for each symptom and brief overview of the benefits. Consult with a yoga instructor for details about the recommended yoga postures. Consult your physician before starting any type of physical exercise program.


Yoga Recommendation
1.       Hot Flashes
Sun Salutation morning and/or 2 hours prior to bedtime, done slowly with long Savasana at the end.
Regular exercise helps managing stress and regulates nervous system.
2.       Sleep Issues
Legs Up The Wall Pose (Viparita Karani), Child's Pose (Balasana),  Left Nostril Breathing (Chandra Bheda Pranayama)
Improves circulation, helps to balance metabolism…
3.       Sex Problems
Cat pose, cobra, down dog done slowly as a flowing movement and forward bends.
Stimulates circulation to the glandular and reproductive systems
4.       Joint Pain
Utkatasana (Chair Pose), Garudasana (Eagle), Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose) and Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose)
Weight-bearing and balancing postures will help to strengthen bones, warm up with hip openers
5.       Mood Swings
Savasana, a regular meditation,  and a 20-min Yoga Nidra practice twice daily (mid-day and prior to going to sleep).
Evens out many of the emotional ups and downs

More Information about menopause.

Yoga Nidra 


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