Make room for your home yoga practice
Have you wondered what it means to be an effective creator of bliss? Bliss
is described as “to reach a state of perfect happiness, typically so as to be
oblivious of everything else”. ( .For many people it is necessary to maintain space within the home for friends or family to sleep. Sometimes, we maintain enough extra space as if our kids, who are now grown and living on their own, were still living at
home. After a while, you might consider moving into a much smaller space, and place all of the extra furnishings into storage. After one year in the smaller space you realize that obviously you did not need all of the stuff that is held in storage. This might be a signal that you can release the attachment to the stored possessions. Some people may have had at one time up to four televisions. Perhaps it's a good time to give away as much as you can so that anyone who might
need or want those items might have them. At first, the space-clearing
project makes a huge mess, because you may try to organize the donations into neat stacks
that seem everywhere at first. However, eventually it all disappears once you start offloading items to a donation center. Sometimes you can coordinate a yard sale as part of the process. After your space is cleared of the unused things, it is a good time to give the house a nice general cleaning. This can be such an uplifting experience when complete. After the house or room is de-cluttered and clean you may feel the energy shift. Gone are the unworn clothes along
with anything else that you have not used for a very long time. The energy in the house feels fresh. It is as if you have ceremonially made a place for the new "bliss" chapter in your life. If you try this type
of space clearing for the first time you may want to talk with someone who can
help guide you through if you think it will be overwhelming for you to tackle
on your own. The other great benefit to space clearing is you can use this opportunity to create a unique place in your home for your regular yoga
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